------------------------------- MODERN FLINTKNAPPING----------------------------

Turkey Tail

This Turkey Tail is 5 5/8 inches long, 3 1/8 inches wide with an average thickness of .35 inches putting the W/T at 8.9/1. It also has a divot in the middle of one side which can be seen in the right picture. Made of Horn Stone. $125.


Texas Flint Small Caddo

Made of Texas Flint in the Caddo style. 6 3/8 inches long. $135

Deeper Corner Notch

The notching on this one is a little deeper. 6 inches. $125

Side Notch

This is one of my favorite. I estimate it is around 2 1/2 inches long, contact me for exact measures. $75

Small Keokuk Dovetail

3 3/8 inches.  $70